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Case Study: Enhanced Connectivity and Lower Costs: 4G/5G Managed Failover


TTCG recently collaborated with a partner to address connectivity issues encountered by a national franchise that was affecting their ability to process payments. The franchise was experiencing poor internet performance and sought a more reliable and cost-effective solution. Leveraging our experience, we implemented a comprehensive cellular back-up solution with managed failover to resolve their business challenges.

When approached by the franchise, we quickly recognized their need for a reliable solution that would improve their network reliability while reducing costs. We understood the importance of continuous connectivity and seamless failover for businesses whose main source of revenue is through credit card processing where an internet outage means thousands in lost revenue. This problem is magnified for franchises operating multiple locations.

The franchise's existing service was plagued with frequent disruptions and unreliable connectivity, which was affecting their operations and, more importantly, revenue. It became clear that the franchise needed to improve their stores’ service, reduce expenses, and upgrade existing equipment. They sought a reliable partner who could offer a complete solution that would eliminate their connectivity challenges across all their stores.

To address their connectivity concerns, we employed a strategy focused on seamless failover and introduced a pooled data plan leveraging multiple carriers and reliable connections across all store locations providing the following benefits:

  1. Enhanced Connectivity: By combining the strengths of multiple carriers, we were able to provide the franchise with a stable, high-speed network connection across all their locations. This enabled uninterrupted operations and better customer experiences.

  2. Cost Optimization: Through our pooled data plan, we optimized data usage and reduced overall costs significantly. The franchise avoided excessive usage expenses because they were able to use the pooled data where it was needed thus benefiting from a cost-effective redundant solution.

  3. Upgraded Equipment: By deploying upgraded edge devices, we not only provided Internet access via 4G or 5G cellular networks but also firewall functionality and automated failover when an outage was detected on the primary Internet connection. This provided the franchisee with superior performance and ease of management which contributed to enhanced connectivity and reduced critical business outages.

  4. Proactive Network Monitoring: As part of our solution, we introduced network monitoring capabilities and usage alerts for the franchise's IT team, creating a co-management model ensuring optimal performance and quick troubleshooting when needed.

TTCG and our partner successfully addressed the connectivity challenges faced by the national franchise, delivering a comprehensive solution that exceeded expectations. By implementing a 4G/5G managed failover strategy, we not only enhanced connectivity and minimized outages but also optimized costs and provided proactive network management tools. Our partnership with the franchise resulted in a significant win, ensuring their stores operated smoothly and efficiently, providing an excellent experience for their customers and addressing a significant business challenge.

If you would like to discuss your business's Internet strategy, please contact TTCG today and let's start a conversation.

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